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Please consider being notified when our Kickstarter launches, because having a larger audience will help us with the KickStarter algorithm and it doesn’t cost you anything.
What we stand for.
Who knew that making a humorous family friendly game that openly mocks AAA video game monetization was a bad idea?
We also noticed that most Publishers we approached tended to have the same opinion. In fact, we condensed their responses into a bingo card to make things easier for everyone.
Please help us any way you can!

Have you tried our demo?
It’s available on Steam and Steam Deck, Xbox One and Series X/S, as well as Playstation 4 and 5!
We’re actively working on getting it on Nintendo Switch too, so stay tuned!

Add us to your Wishlists
Similarly to the KickStarter launch, Wishlists are a great way to help. Please consider adding us to your Steam, Xbox, or PlayStation wishlists:
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Follow us on Twitter, X, or ??
Twitter, X, or whatever it’s called this week is still our go-to for sharing game development news. Please follow us there!
Join our Discord Community
Come for the dank memes and stay for the chat!
Honestly though, this is a win-win scenario for everyone. We have a wonderful community and it would be great to have your feedback on anything we are cooking up.